#Making a MANDALA in python
print('choose a colour that will be the colour of the line drawn')
print('choose a colour that will be the filling colour')
print('choose a number from 100 to 250 that will be the number of pixels the arro moves forwards creating a line')
print('now choose a number from 90 to 360 that will be the degrees the arrow turns clockwise')
print('write a number from 10 to 70 that will be the diameter of the circle that the arrow draws')
from turtle import *
color(colourline,colourfill) #1st colour is the colour of the line and 2nd is the colour it feels the picture in when it's finished
while True:
forward(a) #number of pixels it moves forward
right(b)#degrees it turns anti-clockwise(left) and clockwise(right)
circle(c)#draws a circle of a diameter of the number you've said to him after moving the number of pixels you've told python
if abs(pos()) < 1: #this will make it so that the arrow dosen't stop the fist time it reaches the place said
print('Run again? (yes/no): ')
if answer == 'yes':
continue #this will repeat the pattern created
if answer == 'no':
break #this will stop the program
end_fill() #this command will fill the final picture with the second colour chosen by the person who tries the program